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Control diabetes

Is Diabetes Curable?

Over 4 million UK residents suffer from diabetes. According to the "Global Report on Diabetes" published by the World Health Organisation in 2016, the number of sufferers worldwide exceeds 422 million. The WHO report highlights a dramatic…

Diabetes and Balanced Diet

When you have got some disease, it becomes very difficult for you to make a choice for the food as every disease has some specific diet plans. Same is the case with the diabetes. To plan a diet chart by keeping in mind the health of yours…

7 Tips for Proper Diabetic Shoes

One of the most dreadful complications of diabetes is the diabetic foot. Preceded by a tiny blister in your foot, this gruesome condition may rapidly evolve into foot ulcer, severe infection, extensive tissue loss, and in many cases,…

Quick Tips to Control Diabetes

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the top diseases that affected many people all over the world. It is an insulin disorder in the body that can lead to many complications including death when left untreated. There are risk factors that contribute…