Asthma and Exercise Benefits: Exercise Safely, Prevent Asthma Attacks

Asthmatic people lead quite a compromised life. Most of the time they remain under the fear of developing an attack at any time of the day, which is why they tend to remain out of activities and move towards an indolent kind of lifestyle.

However, this is not what it has to be like. Proper counseling to such patients can help them lead their lives nearly as normal as others. It is even possible for asthmatic individuals to carry out exercises, but within safe limits.

Following are few interesting and useful exercises which can highly benefit those suffering from asthma:


Asthmatic people tend to be quite reluctant when it comes to walking. However, “safe” walking for asthmatic patients can include a half an hour time, including five minutes of warm up and another five minutes of cool down. According to study author Lisa M. Schwiebert, PhD, associate professor of cell, developmental, and integrative biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, “A moderate-to-brisk walk is the best way to describe this level of activity“.


According to some studies, it has been found that people who practice HATHA YOGA (a system of physical exercise and breath control used in yoga) are able to get rid of their asthma by doing it for half an hour a week and for 10 weeks maximum.

TAI CHAI (a form of martial arts) will give you the same sort of help in getting rid of the disease.

Robert Graham, MD, an internist and integrative medicine specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City says, “I think its breath control. Breathing exercises activate a larger area in the lungs,”

Yoga is very beneficial for people with asthma as it enhances the capability of their lungs to expand and to work efficiently.


As we all are well aware of the fact that biking shapes your body in a good manner and gives you physical stamina. However, for asthmatic people it is highly challenging.  Modern biking these days includes heavy curves and steps hill which can prove to be dangerous for people with breathing problems. But who says that those with asthma cannot go for biking?

Some researchers have found that, as compared to other summer sports, mountain bikers are more likely to face asthma but still they are able to compete

Dr. Holbreich has marked a deadline for asthmatic patients, that they can ride it below 18 miles per hour. Any further increase in the speed could trigger an asthmatic attack. He says that rapid in and out breathing can dry out the patient’s lung, and hence, can worsen their condition.

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