Healthy Refreshing Drinks for the Family

So how do you combat the desire for better tasting refreshing drinks that the whole family will enjoy?

Summer is right around the corner and soon many parents and families are going to be together taking in the sunlight and basking in the great outdoors. However, if you are spending any long time outside – especially outside – you are going to have to find ways to stay hydrated. This is where you may need to start getting a bit creative.

My sister’s children will drink water, but after a while they will get bored of it and would much rather like a soda – despite the fact that soda will only make you more dehydrated faster. There is also a battle with adults where you will find yourself downing iced coffee after iced coffee in order to stay awake or keep up with your friends and/or children and coffee will do the same thing that soda will.

You will end up dehydrated and oftentimes feeling a bit ill with all of the sugar/caffeine intake. I also like to drink tea or coffee, when it comes to tea vs coffee – drink both in moderation and be sure to stay hydrated with water.

So how do you combat the desire for better tasting refreshing drinks that the whole family will enjoy? It’s really not as hard as everyone thinks it is. By substituting and finding healthy alternatives, you will get the same taste and sensation you crave without all of the negative aspects.

For the adults…

Stay away from the sugary iced coffees. Nothing banishes the doldrums of a sticky, sluggish summer afternoon like an iced, blended coffee beverage. The jolt of cool caffeine in “frappuccinos” and similar coffeehouse concoctions can power you through the heat and post-lunch lethargy.

The problem is, while coffee itself has some health benefits, the dairy and sweeteners used in such drinks can pack in empty calories and spike blood sugar—which, along with the strong caffeine dose, can set you up for an even worse energy crash later on. Instead, try these refreshing iced coffee alternatives for a healthier way to beat the heat.

– Iced Matcha Latte
– Iced Maca
– Iced Dandelion Coffee
– Iced Yerba Mate

For the recipes, follow this link.

For the kids…

Now children, on the other hand, are a whole other monster. With the blazing and soaring sun up in the skies, it is essential to keep kids hydrated. Whether they are playing outside or indulging in indoor games, it is important to keep up with their fluid intake. At the very same time, plying them with artificially flavored drinks is something that needs to be avoided.

Though the most natural solution for when your child is thirsty and wanting something other than water is simply to throw a Capri Sun at them and call it a day. But not only do these drinks contain a lot of sugar, but they also do the same thing that sugary sodas or caffeine would do where it actually makes you more dehydrated. However, there are some alternatives that still have the good taste and fizz of caffeine without all of the negative health aspects.

If you child really likes the fizz of soda, try making it at home! One of my personal favorites is this almost-effortless recipe for Grapefruit-Pineapple Soda.

– 2 pink grapefruit
– 2 c. water
– 2 c. pineapple chunks
– 2 c. sugar
– tsp. salt
– Seltzer


From pink grapefruit, cut 5 long strips peel; place in a 2-quart saucepan with water. Squeeze juice into a blender. Add pineapple chunks, sugar, and salt; blend until smooth. Add to pan with peel; heat to boiling on high, stirring. Cool; strain into a glass pitcher. Mix with seltzer.

Or if your child prefers something a bit sweeter, add some sparkle to your lemonade by making a refreshing Sparkling Peach Lemonade. Using fresh fruit is not only healthy but also adds bold flavor and color to this drink.

4 ripe fresh peaches, sliced
3 lemons, sliced
1 large container raspberry lemonade
1 sparkling bottle water or club soda
3 lemons, juiced


Add the peach and lemon sliced into a large pitcher. Using a wooden spoon, mash the slices as best you can. Pour in the lemonade, sparkling water, and lemon juice. Stir and place in the fridge to chill. Stir in ice right before serving.

Though the drinks I have mentioned so far are great, nothing is going to replace the importance of water and being well hydrated in the summer heat. I find that it is best phrased on the team website:

You’ve heard it time and again: Drink more water! Well, it’s true. There are tons benefits to drinking more water! Drinking more water keeps you hydrated, which, since your body is made up of 55-60 percent water, keeps your body systems and functions running more smoothly. Your body can compensate for dehydration to a point, but severe dehydration is nothing to joke about – it could send your body into shock! Drinking more water can also help curb your appetite.

If you’re trying to lose weight or just keep a close watch on your calories to maintain a healthy weight, drinking water can help you consume fewer calories. It does this by helping you feel more full and causing you to say “no thanks” when more sugary options come your way.

Despite the benefits, when you feel thirsty, it’s easy to give in to the draw of soda, fruit juices (most have plenty of added sugar) and other drinks that are easy to grab.

Now all of that is great, but sometimes choosing water can be a hard thing to do. But there are other solutions you can try! To help you choose water, try changing it up with these fruit-infused water recipes.

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