Maintaining Healthy and Balanced Diet During Pregnancy

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During pregnancy, it is important to maintain a balanced diet. Your baby needs all the vital vitamins and nutrients to develop.  However eating for two doesn’t necessarily mean an extra slice of cake. Your body only requires an additional 200 calories during pregnancy. There is no such thing as you need to go on a special diet. However you should ensure that you have a balanced diet and avoid certain foods that could be potentially dangerous to your unborn baby.

When you feel hungry during the day and in between meals. Snack on fresh fruit and veggies, this not only makes a healthier option than sweet treats but it will also prevent heartburn and nausea. Also eat smaller meals and portions. It is also good to replace those sweet cravings with healthier options.


What to Eat

  • Protein– Milk, cheese, eggs, lean meat and poultry, fish (excluding fish high in mercury), nuts, quinoa and seeds
  • Carbohydrates– Cereals, whole grain breads, fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Iron– Eggs, spinach, kale, lettuce, broccoli
  • Fiber– breads and cereal (this helps with digestion)
  • Dairy products– its recommended that during pregnancy, at least one liter of dairy products should be consumed. Whether it is milk, yogurt and cheese. Your baby needs plenty of calcium and dairy products can provide you with calcium.

What to Avoid

  • Raw fish and fish that are high in mercury
  • Raw eggs
  • Too much oil
  • Fizzy drinks
  • Ice cream
  • Sugary foods and drinks
  • Processed foods

A Breakdown of what Vitamins and Minerals are Required and why?

Vitamin D– This is a vitamin that can be gained by exposure to the sun. This also assists with the development of the bones in the fetus and it prevents certain cancers. You can get vitamin D from oily fish.

Folic Acid– This will reduce your baby’s risk of having a birth defect, such as spin a bifida. It is also recommended that pregnant women have a high dose of folic acid from the beginning of pregnancy until birth. You will find folic acid in a few breakfast cereal’s and brown rice.

Iron– It is important that pregnant women get enough iron during their pregnancies. This will prevent the mother from getting iron deficiency anemia. Iron will also promote the unborn baby’s growth. If you suspect you might be lacking iron, speak to your GP immediately.

Vitamin C– This assists with fighting off colds and flu. Vitamin C also assists with the absorption of iron. You can get vitamin C from from most fruits and vegetables.

Calcium– This assists with the baby’s bone development

Supplements During Pregnancy

For women who suffer with diabetes and anemia, as well as vegans and vegetarians should consult their GP for a supplement. Ensure that any supplement you take contains folic acid, Vitamins B, C, D and iron. With a lack of these vitamins, your baby is more likely to have a low birth weight. However be careful not to overdose on supplements as this could be harmful and potentially dangerous for the baby. However, doctor consultation is highly recommended during pregnancy.

Author Bio

Shayma Vawda is an experienced freelance writer. She is quite knowledgeable in the health and nutrition niche and loves to write on it. Apart from health and nutrition, Shayma also writes on topics related to babies, children and their well being, pregnancy, substance abuse and psychological issues.
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