Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise and Health

Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports Exercise and Health 1st 2012Book Review: Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise and Health is a clear and comprehensive introduction to nutrition in sport, exercise and health.He goes further than any other textbook in integrating key nutritional facts, concepts and dietary guidelines with a thorough discussion of the fundamental biological science underpinning our physiological and metabolic processes.

By clearly explaining how nutrients function within our biological system, Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise and Health helps students to develop a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms, which, in turn, will help the student to apply their knowledge in practice. The book includes in depth discussion of key contemporary topics within nutrition including:

  1. nutrient bioenergetics
  2. nutrition and metabolic disease
  3. nutritional ergogenic aids
  4. nutrition for special populations
  5. nutritional assessment.

Each chapter includes useful pedagogical features, including case studies, review questions, definitions of key terms, and practical laboratory exercises – such as techniques for assessing nutritional status, body composition and physical activity patterns. A companion website offers additional teaching and learning features, such as PowerPoint slides, multiple-choice question banks and web links.

As the most up-to-date introduction to sport and exercise nutrition currently available, this book is essential reading for all students of sport and exercise science, kinesiology, physical therapy, nutrition, dietetics or health sciences.

Bibliographical data of Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise and Health

  • Author: Jie Kang
  • Year : 2012
  • Title: Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise and Health
  • Place Published: New York, UK
  • Publisher: Routledge
  • Number of Pages: 504
  • Edition: 1st
  • ISBN: 9780415578790
  • Get it on Amazon

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