How to Deal with a Post-Accident Concussion

Concussions are traumatic brain injuries and 2.8 million Americans deal with these types of injuries annually. 282,000 hospitalizations per year in the USA are the result of concussions. Anyone who is dealing with a concussion needs to know some hard facts about how to improve their health, as well as information about legal options. Today’s quick guide will make it easier to heal a concussion and access justice if another person’s negligence caused the traumatic brain injury.

How to Deal with a Post-Accident Concussion
Concussion Illustration. Image: Wikimedia Commons.


Recognize the Warning Signs

According to the official Center for Disease Control and Prevention website, people who are dealing with concussions often experience headaches or feelings of pressure in their heads, in addition to balance issues, dizziness, blurred or double vision, mental fog that creates confusion and a general sense of malaise. Anyone who has these symptoms after an accident should seek out medical care immediately.

Embrace a Nutrient-rich Diet

Those who already know for sure that they have concussions should focus on self-care. Time and rest are important and lifestyle changes may help the brain to heal faster. An anti-inflammatory, nutrient-rich diet that is centered on berries and fresh veggies will boost the production of nerve growth factors in the brain and may also improve the function of mitochrondria. These are power plants for cells and play a pivotal role in producing energy that fuels the body and brain.

Give Meditation a Try

Brainline recounts how a concussion patient used meditation to deal with some serious concussion symptoms, including severe headaches. The woman started with short periods of meditation, which features deep, measured breathing and the repetition (silently or aloud) of mantras, and then built up to half an hour a day of meditation. After about eight weeks, she began to experience improvements in her attitude, which made it easier to cope with the after-effects of her concussion. Moderate, safe exercise will also be beneficial. Exercise should be non-impact and very low risk.

Look at Legal Options

Sometimes, concussions happen due to the negligence of people or entities, such as government departments or companies. According to, between 1.7 and 3 million concussions are due to incidents during sports and/or recreation. Car accidents and unintentional falls are other key causes. Anyone who feels that a concussion was the fault of another person or entity should consider legal options. If a person or entity is found responsible for a concussion, the victim may be awarded damages which helps to cover loss of income and medical expenses, as well as other expenses which relate to the traumatic brain injury.

Most People Recover Fully

Most concussion patients get better in a few weeks or so. Some are unlucky and continue to deal with concussion symptoms long after their accidents. Doctors aren’t in complete agreement about why some people get better faster than others, but most people do recover fully. When concussion patients eat healthy, anti-inflammatory diets, meditate, get non-impact exercise and explore their legal options, they will be doing all that they can to shorten their recovery times and prepare for a pain-free future.

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