Natural Colon Cleansing Recipe 6: Sweet potato, Orange and Pineapple Juice

This juice recipe will effectively remove all unwanted toxins from the digestive system and it is also beneficial for weight loss. The ginger in this recipe will also help with reducing bloating and will stimulate the colon functionality. This recipe is also packed with vitamin C and it can also assist with asthma.


  • 2 cups orange juice
  • 2-3cm piece ginger
  • 1 cup pineapple, sliced
  • 1 sweet potato
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • A litte mint for a pleasant taste


  1. Place all of the above ingredients into a blender.
  2. Blend these ingredients until they are smooth.
  3. Pour into a serving jug and garnish with more mint leaves if desired.

Some people might find this recipe too bitter, if that is the case you may add more mint leaves to enhance its taste. This juice can also be sipped on throughout your day and it can assist with dehydration, boost your immune system and treat bad coughs.

Get the other 9 similar colon cleansing recipes here:

  1. Raspberry and Banana Smoothie
  2. Pineapple and Kale Smoothie
  3. Blueberry and Kale Juice
  4. Apple and Kale Juice
  5. Apple and Orange Juice
  6. Sweet potato, Orange and Pineapple Juice
  7. Carrot and Apple Juice
  8. Apple Cider Vinegar Beverage
  9. Coconut and Spinach Smoothie
  10. Beet, Lettuce and Spinach Juice



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